About Us

Built By The Community For The Community
We are proud of the communities we serve, and it shows…
“Community” is everything we do since 1951, whether it’s in the facilities we build or the services we provide. Originally built as a war memorial, the hospital is continuing to be built by our community through new construction funded by passage of Measure “A.” “Community” is the life of San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital—your health and well-being is our focus.
Today’s healthcare is a team effort. The team consists of physicians, healthcare professionals, chaplains, the patient and family members. Healthcare is no longer just a focus upon disease; it is also a focus on health. We are here to help you take charge of your health. We’ll provide you with information on prevention of illness and a skilled team to care for you while you are here. We’ll assist you in learning how to manage any disease or condition which you may have. Healthcare is also about encouraging you to exercise, to eat right and to reduce the stress in your life. We focus upon all of these aspects of health.
For SGMH It's About The Patient, Not the "Bottom Line"
You have heard it said that hospitals have to pay attention to the bottom line just as other businesses do. That is true! But SGMH wants to redefine the bottom line. The “bottom line” to me is not just about money; it is knowing we are meeting the healthcare needs of our community. We’ll continue to grow and develop the services the community wants, because San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital has been your community hospital for more than 60 years, and it will continue to be so for many more years to come.