
San Gorgonio Hospital has worked hard to become a premier center for obstetrical care. Your trust in our facilities, technology and staff is what we strive for. Your newborn will have a delivery facility that is suited for his or her special needs.
Four private Labor, Delivery and Recovery rooms (LDR) are designed to capture the comfort and amenities of a hotel suite for a healthy, personal birthing experience. The mother moves from labor to delivery then recovery all in one place. State-of-the-art fetal monitors check the fetus, maternal blood pressure, cardiac status and oxygen levels. Surgical lighting is recessed into the ceiling and ready to assist the doctor and staff at a moment’s notice.
After delivery, the newborn remains in the same room with mother and family. Each LDR room is equipped with an infant warmer and crib, along with oxygen and other support equipment if needed.

Postpartum Patient Rooms
Eight private postpartum rooms are available if the LDR rooms are needed for other patients. For our patients’ comfort and convenience, each room is equipped with individual bathrooms and showers.
Private Courtyard
A beautifully landscaped and fully secured exterior courtyard offers a perfect setting for mothers to get some sunshine and fresh air with their newborns and to visit with family and friends.
Newborn Nursery
This nursery is designed to accommodate infants unable to room with their mother as a result of the infant’s or mother’s health. The nursery has an outside/inside viewing window.

Infant Security System
Infants are banded at birth with a device programmed to set off an alarm if the infant nears an exit. Locked doors with cameras and a communication system ensure maximum prevention for infant abduction.
Nurses’ Station
Designed for the constant surveillance of patients and all unit activities, the station has a centralized fetal monitoring system. Call lights from each room with speaker systems allow instant 2-way communication between patient and nurse.
When Mother and Child Leave
Equal in importance to the birthing process are the follow-up services offered by the Women’s Center. Follow-up home visitation and social services offer help with infant care, well-baby checks and integrating the newborn child with the family. In addition, upon leaving the Center, a gift bag filled with important items for the newborn and mother is presented to the family.

Childbirth Classes
SGMH offers monthly childbirth education courses that cover labor and delivery, newborn care, CPR and a maternity tour. We will cover a wide range of topics, from conception to breastfeeding.
San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital also offers free in-home visits by a registered nurse/international board-certified lactation consultant. These visits are free for postpartum women living in Riverside County or who have delivered a newborn in Riverside County. The lactation consultant is available to weigh your infant and answer any questions or concerns about breastfeeding.
Home visits are available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and weekends by appointment only.
Please call 951-769-2151 for additional information or to register for any of our childbirth classes.